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wynca ceo wu yanming researched wynca tinyo
    the net income of wynca tinyo achieved a new record in september after the first 3 quarters of 2017. the good tidings elated the whole company. since the beginning of 2017, the sales volume, profit, revenue and other business indicators of every month are keeping increased. the momentum of development is irresistible, all records have been repeatedly renewed. wynca tinyo has become a real record breaker. suffering the sudden changes in the downstream market we keep calm. considering company's long-term development, we keep forward-looking management system and lean manufacturing, in order to break the bottleneck. 
    besides the excellent data performance, leaders are more concerned about the problems wynca tinyo encountered in the process of development, experiences worth learning from and how to reinforce complementary advantages of the two facilities. on november 1st, wu yanming, ceo of the wynca group, visited wynca tinyo, accompanied by yu lingfeng, the vice general manager of silicone business unit. regarding the above issues, leaders conducted a comprehensive multi-angle investigation and it definitely would be a solid foundation for the further development.
    firstly, wu came to the production site to see the progress of lean manufacturing, he looked seriously and asked carefully without let off any detail. and sometimes he took out cell phone to take pictures. chen guizhong, general manager of wynca tinyo introduced in detail about changes after lean production started during past few months. the tidy neat lines, clean site and the orderly operation, all these achievements due to the effort of all members. all participated by themselves, even in the spare time. use their own hands to change bit by bit and improve continuously. these powers gather together, quantitative change became qualitative change. compared to previous implementation, the result is spectacular, the process is painful but the result is remarkable.
    at the ensuing symposium, wynca ceo wu yanming expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the good record of wynca tinyo and fully affirmed the remarkable progress made in below aspects: the rapid response mode based on customer needs has been further improved; the financial indicators such as return on net assets, total profit, net profit per capita, per-capita unit output and product structure were all improved. the profitability achieved a qualitative breakthrough. the foundation management capability was further consolidated. a young and energetic team was cultivated. a unique corporate culture formed during construction. the next step is to fit in with the strategy, organization, mechanism and cultural transformation of the group, strive to build a new type of green, intelligent, terminal and platform-oriented enterprise. without going into the inherent mode of the group, we should take the first step and open up new ideas and space to innovate the system and mechanism. we have linked performance with motivation, and continue to explore "building an all-powerful team that has dreams to play a role."  to self-pressure, we have to make a series of core competitiveness, like planning a challenging goal, daring to think, creating rapid response, rapid delivery, efficient and smooth process, throw off the gap with opponents, reinforce the sub-industry leading position. its own development should not forget the synergy of business department, merging of talent and management experience, learning from each other, forming synergy, and finally achieve improvement together.
    during the end of this visit, president wu talked with leaders of municipal and high-tech zones planning, land and other related functional departments. president wu introduced the business conditions in the past few years and frankly speak out the current bottleneck problems in development. he hoped that with the aid of government forces could escort our long-term development and consolidate the foundation. the government highly praised the development performance of wynca tinyo. for the company with excellent business performance and strong momentum of development, relevant government departments will study related solutions and make good logistical support. the meeting ended in a pleasant atmosphere.

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